Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 2015 Book Haul

Death Cure by James Dashner Review

Once again I will try to avoid any major plot twists and spoilers as well as I possibly can.


The third and final installment of the Maze Runner trilogy, Death Cure by James Dashner, is an adventurous tale full of action. Group B and the Gladers successfully made it to the "safe haven" in the Scorch Trials, earning them the chance for a cure. Thomas however, is taken away. He is fed three square meals of ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, bread, and water. Locked away like a prisoner, completely isolated. He hasn't had a bath in over three weeks. Hasn't seen a person in that time either.
"Rage crept in. Like a shivering rat looking for a spot of warmth, a crumb of food."
This is how Thomas felt as he stared at the white walls, floors, and ceiling, waiting for the inevitable snap of his brain as he is driven over the edge by the Flare. Suddenly, Rat Man appears in the doorway. This has been yet another trial from Wicked to discover kill zones. Each of them received similar or worse trials. Thomas is lucky though. Like several others, he is immune to the Flare. Some of his friends are not as fortunate.

A procedure will be given to each of them to secure their memories back. Wicked needs for the "subjects" to remember and participate fully in the quest for a cure. They are safe now. They of course have the option to not have the procedure done. Thomas, Minho, and Newt have had enough. They have had enough of the lies, deceit, trials, and games of Wicked. They refuse the procedure. But will they be able to really refuse? Or will they succumb to yet another trial and danger? They hope to make their escape towards freedom.

My Review

Death Cure came to an exciting and unforgettable end. The entire book was much better than I could ever anticipate. So many questions were raised that I could not wait to find the answers to. The stakes were high and I was not disappointed with the action in this book. Bullets were flying, fists were sailing, and the most advanced weaponry was used in the battle for a cure and safety. Wicked, the Right Hand, and Thomas' group all had different objectives in mind as they all raced to beat the other at their own game. Dashner has found a way to make the most realistic apocalyptic dystopian fantasy come alive. There were several deaths that had me in tears and others I knew were inevitable. I have to admit, I was quite worried on how the ending would play out. There were so many possibilities I had in mind. Never did I suspect it would end in the way it did. I am thankful for that. Dashner thought up a brilliant conclusion to the series. Just this once, my favorite book in the series is the ending.
4 out of 5

So were you as satisfied with the ending as I was? Were you team Teresa or Brenda? Did anyone really ship Thomas with anyone? I found that I was not too concerned with the slight bits that can be classified as "romance" in this dystopian novel. I was far too invested in the lives of Thomas, Minho, and Newt to care too much about what happened to the others.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

W.C.K.D is good? Scorch Trials by James Dashner Review

WICKED is good.

I will try not to give away any spoilers worth mentioning. I hate reading a book review that gives away the best plot twists. If I am reviewing a book series, I will give a brief summary of the previous book first as a reminder of what led up to the current book's plot. 

So, for those of you who haven’t read the Maze Runner, please go do so before reading this review. For those who need a little reminder:

The Maze Runner starts off with a boy stuck in the dark of a box. The doors open and he is surrounded by several boys in a strange land without memory on how he got there or who he is. Nicknamed Greenie, the boy is taken through the Glade and introduced to the Gladers. Thomas quickly remembers his name. 
There are only two real rules in the glade. 

 1. Do your part

2. do NOT enter the Maze
Soon, a girl shows up in the box with a note telling the Gladers that this will be the last box. Thomas learns that her name is Teresa and that she remembers Thomas. Thomas becomes a runner and together, the Gladers solve the mystery of the Maze. The Gladers battle

Grievers on their escape of the Maze. In the end, few survive.

The Scorch Trials, a novel written by James Dashner, is the second book in the Maze Runner series. The Maze Runner came to a close with Thomas, Teresa, Mino, Newt, and several other gladers being rescued and taken to safety… Or were they?
Thomas awakens to find his world once more spinning out of control. The group of people who had saved them are dead. Teresa can’t be found anywhere, not even in Thomas’ mind. Frantic to find her, he goes to her room. On her door is a plaque labeling her as the betrayer. A boy name Aris has taken her place. The boys soon find out that there was a separate maze filled with girls (group b). Thomas and the other Gladers are a part of the second set of trials laid out by WICKED. They are thrust up into the Scorch; a dry, barren land filled with both Cranks and Group B out to destroy them. Their mission? To reach the safe haven on time and received the cure.

My Review
To be honest, at first I wasn't that into the book. I enjoyed the first of the series so I was expecting to love this one even more. The Scorch Trials is action-packed from the start. There was interesting death traps and creatures that could rival the Grievers and the Maze.  I love that aspect of the book. Although the action was great, I found the plot to be obvious at first. The main characters must fight and run to save their lives, just like the Maze. Obvious. Thomas starts to have dreams where he remembers life before the Glade. Another obvious point. Teresa betraying Thomas and the Gladers was yet another point that was laid out in front of you. My original review was a 2 out of five. It just wasn't holding my attention. I was ready to give up after this book, until near middle to end of the book that is. About 60% of the way through my kindle edition and the biggest plot twists of them all unfolded. I did NOT see them coming! I had to set my lovely kindle down and wrap my brain around it, trying to connect the dots. Either you will get the plot twist from the start, or you will be staring at your book in awe. The book ends on yet another fantastic cliff-hanger. 
Is Teresa still playing a part as the betrayer? And what about Brenda? Will Thomas be all right? Stick this one out and I promise it will not disappoint!
Wicked is good... or is it?
4 out of 5

Book Review Ratings

My book ratings are on a 1 to 5 scale.

1= Did not even get half way through the book, would not recommend 
2=struggled to get through the book, but finished it. Will not finish series
3=Got through the book, enjoyed it and will continue series. Recommend
4=Loved the book and excitedly waiting on the next. Highly Recommend
5=Loved the book and would take the time to read it over again. Highly Recommend

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sickness in the Lake

Hi everyone! I've had this story idea for a while now and have just started to edit and revise it. It is quite the work in progress! I can't wait to finish this story. I'd love to get feedback. Maybe a beta for this short story. I'd like to maybe flesh it out and turn it into novel if the beta goes well. I am ready to get serious about my writing. So here is a very brief synopsis on the story,

Tormented by the memories of his past, his childhood catching up to him as the sickness takes over. Ed brings his wife to where it all began more than 50 years ago. His loving wife has no idea that after 53 years, there are still secrets buried in the closet. This lake holds many secrets and Ed knows it’s time to tell Elizabeth the truth. But, can he live long enough to tell the tale? Or will the sickness take over?
If you would be willing to help and give me feedback once the story is done, please comment below.

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

From a Young Writer

Hello, my name is Ashley and I am a writer.

It’s funny to think that it has taken me this long to establish myself as a writer. I've always thought of a writer as someone who got paid to write. The words published and author come to mind. An author can’t be an author without being a writer. But can a writer be someone who writes without being published? I've discovered the answer is yes. 
A writer is a person who is passionate about the written language, one who writes for the love of words written upon a page.

I have been keeping journals since the seventh grade with my thoughts, scenes, and little poems. For as long as I can remember, I've lived in the imaginative world of my mind; always creating fantasy characters, powers, and situations to push them through. 

I adore letters. There is something special about picking up a piece of paper and communicating through ink. I find it much more preferable to the instant gratification of the digital age. Don't get me wrong, I love my Internet, but to receive a letter in the mail is the best form of communication. Because of this, I often find myself writing letters to my friends and loved ones in appreciation for how much I care. For what is better proof of my love than writing the things I cannot and often dare not say? 

I am a writer. I may not be seasoned or well-versed in the publishing industry, however my passion for the written word exceeds my inexperience. So with this in mind, I have created this blog today to share my passion for books and to gain experience in writing. I hope to finally finish several story and poem ideas that have been sitting in my notebooks for a while. 

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya AngelouI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings