Saturday, July 4, 2015

Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

The book Obsidian, by Jennifer Armentrout, is a paranormal, scifi y.a novel with plenty of action, sarcasm, hilarity, relatability, and swoon-worthy romance. 


Starting over sucked, being new sucked, and being neighbors with Daemon sucked. Katy just wants to be able to update her blog on reliable wifi, plant a garden, make a few friends, and survive her Senior year at a new school. But mysterious Daemon is making that nearly impossible. He may be hotter than the Sahara, but he was clearly an arrogant jerkface that Katy could literally stab and feel no remorse for. 
"I'd always avoided confrontation in the past, but this guy was flipping my bitch switch like nothing else." -Katy 

Or so she tells herself.. Strange things are happening around West Virginia. Girls are going missing, being attacked, and there is something just not right with Daemon and Dee Black. 

Katy gets swept away in the friendship between Dee and her obvious crush hatred of the infuriating Daemon. But can she maintain her friendships when people from out of this world literally want to tear her apart? 

Jennifer Armentrout sure knows how to create relatable characters, gripping tales, and searing romance. I couldn't get enough of this first novel in her Lux series. 

Katy, the main protagonist, is my spirit animal. Young Katy would rather spend her days indoors updating her book review blog, waiting on new book releases, or reading the next novel in her TBR pile. She is shy, snarky, hilarious, and represents us bookaholics brilliantly. I have never related to a character before quite like I do Kate. 

Daemon Black is the swoon-worthy jerk of a boy next door. Although he says and does some horrible things, they are always in Katy's best interest. You can't help but love, hate, and love to hate Daemon all at the same time. 

Dee Black is the perfect, starved for real friendship, best friend. Dee struggles to find her place in her world and Katy's. After all, Katy is the first real friend she has ever had. She doesn't let her big brother, all of 4 minutes, or her "family" break up her friendship with Katy. She fights to the end proving that nothing will stop her from finally living her life. 

I strongly recommend you check out this first book. And if you happen to like this one, I also suggest White Hot Kiss (another series by Jennifer Armentrout). 

I give it 5/5

Now for some of my favorite quotes to help guide your decision to read this novel. 

"I thought people in small towns were supposed to be nice, not act like the son of Satan." -Katy
"Sometimes being around children was the perfect abstinence program. Then again, not like I needed a program." -Katy
"The day my Internet was hooked up was better than having a hot guy check out my butt and ask for my phone number." -Katy
"Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys." -Katy 
"I was always able to lose myself in reading. Books were a necessary escape I always gladly jumped into headfirst" -Katy

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bad Habits of a Bookaholic

Today we are going to discuss the bad habits of a bookaholic.

A bookaholic is a person who buys more books than they can read. I have recently bought at least 6 more books this month and it is still near the beginning of the month. I haven't even read all of the books that I bought a year ago.

There is so little time in my day to read between work and classes that I barely finish a novel in a week anymore. And yet I spent over an hour in a half-priced bookstore over an hour away from my hometown.

I have become more of a book collector versus a reader lately. I hope to build a personal library full of books that I can read at any time.

To all of you readers/collectors out there, is it bad that my TBR pile is much larger than my read pile will ever be? Do you find yourselves buying more books than you will ever read in your lifetime?

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Foellinger Freimann Botanical Conservatory

7 Travel Tips

 Yesterday, I took a day trip to Fort Wayne by myself to get away and have some photography fun. I used to be wary about traveling or going places by myself. But I am never going back! It turned out to be a very exciting and rewarding adventure that taught me a few things. So here are some tips for the budget travelers who want to get away from home without going too far away.

             1.  Always, and I mean ALWAYS, have the directions written down as well as in your gps. I cannot stress this enough. I lost my gps signal at least 10 times in the short hour and thirty minute trip. Maps confuse me to no end. I’d end up in Michigan if I tried to read a map. I was able to figure out what exits to take and which direction to turn because I had them written down and in my cup holder.
          2. Write down the DISTANCES between each turn and exit. Pay attention to the time on your clock when making these changes. It will save you stress and time if you do so. It is much easier to know that in 15miles you need to exit off of IN 24. And that it was 11:24am when you started. This way, if the gps signal is lost, you aren’t frantically searching the road for exit signs.
             3. Always have a parking plan before you go. I always forget that bigger cities require you to park in parking garages. Or that some garages are a good 20minute walk away from your destination. Luckily there was a parking garage right across from the building I was heading to. Also check to see if you can get free parking! I went to the botanical gardens and was surprised to learn that my parking fee was waived.
            4. Know where you want to eat. I spent a good 20 minutes aimlessly driving around trying to decide what I wanted to eat. Not only did it waste time and gas, but I ended up giving up and settling for fast food.
            5. Have your phone charged and pack extra chargers. You never know when you might need to make an emergency call or make a quick google maps search.

          6. Have fun and explore! Look for free events, parks, and museum dates before going. Are you a student? Call ahead and see what places offer good student discounts. My next trip will be planned out a little better so I have more time to walk around and explore. See as much as you can before you leave. You never know when you will be there again.
            7.   And most importantly, stay safe! Always travel in the day light. Never walk around at night alone. I got followed by a creepy old man and cat called by boys and men everywhere I went. I’m not used to that kind of treatment. I live in a much smaller town. It was quite an uncomfortable experience. If you feel threatened, find a safe place indoors to wait. If they follow you inside, don’t be afraid to let the staff know. Keep your safety in mind. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Nail Technician

After the disaster that was my college education, I have decided to take a break from my bachelor's degree to pursue a license in the Cosmetology field as a Nail Technician.

I feel as though after the issue with my credits, I need a break to figure out what I really want to do as a bachelor's degree. I hated the degree program I was in, but stuck with it because I was a year away from graduating. However, circumstances have me now at a Sophomore level. I might as well take the time to figure out what I truly want to do before continuing my education.

Instead of just working full-time, I have decided to pursue a license as a Nail Technician as it is something I have always been interested in doing. I start on June 29th after I finish my enrollment application and pay the $50 application fee. I can't wait to start!

More to come later about Nail Technician school as I progress through the process.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Typewriter Tuesday

"Whatever you are by nature, keep to it; never desert your talent.
Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed."
-Sydney Smith-

Thrifty Finds

Smith & Corona Silent typewriter

It was made in 1950, not the 1960s as I had thought. To know that I have a working typewriter from 65 years ago, amazes me. I bought this item for $19.96. On etsy, it is up for sale for $105! Now that is what I call a bargain buy! Some of the keys do stick, but I am hoping that I can eventually figure out how to fix it.

It took me 10 tries and stained hands, pants, and cell phone to figure out where the ribbon went through the vibrator. However, it is quite easy to change and fix once you know where to place it.

I might just go on a collecting spree of typewriters now!

She's an odd tan/grey/brown color with dark green keys, but I've never seen anything more beautiful than her. 

Do any of you writers, readers, or general bloggers have a typewriter? 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Typewriters and Love

Today a special package came in the mail from amazon!

The ribbon spools for my new to me, old to the world, typewriter!

It is a Smith Corona- most likely made in the 1960s. The best part is that after struggling to get the ribbon threaded into the typewritier, it still works!

And all for a whopping $30 after tax (including both writer and ribbon). I looked online and a typewriter the same as mine was selling for over $100. I'm pretty proud! So I thought it might be fun to do some sort of vintage finds blog posts every now and then? I'll think about it and post more on my typewriter and other things if I decide to go through with it.

Naturally, I had to write my boyfriend a letter to add to my letter collection from me to him.
Long distance relationships are hard, so I find it easier to write him often. Even if he doesn't get the letters until I see him next. I will be attempting to get his station address in Oki so I can send letters again. I used to send my letters when he was in Afghan, but after he returned we stuck to facebook letters instead.

However, recently I have learned that he kept every letter I ever wrote him. So I want more of my letters in his possession as silly as it sounds. I miss writing about books to him and giving my thoughts and feelings about his favorite books. I miss telling him everything. I find it hard to speak my mind and my feelings, but to write it all down and clear the air? It makes me feel so much better and often brings us closer together.

Writing letters to him is also an excuse to waste paper on practicing typing on this typewriter.

I may have started a new collection of typewriters. This could get dangerous. Hopefully my boyfriend won't mind too much! He already has to deal with all of my bookshelves of books and journals. Not to mention my photographs from photo shoots and the fact that I want to buy a record player.. I just love old things and the written word! I can't help it.

I haven't been able to read much lately, so I am just giving a little writing update about my typewriter. Who knows, maybe I will turn this into more of a full-blog and not just reviews?

Summer break is mostly here and I will have two days worth of free time on my hands.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

The book Darkest Minds, by Alexandra Bracken, is a dystopian fantasy novel. 
Ruby was just a little girl when it all began. When IAAN began killing,
changing the children around her. Those who survive are "gifted" with great and terrible powers of the mind. 
President Gray is determined to eliminate the threat these children posses.
Gray creates concentration rehabilitation camps. 
After a terrible accident, Ruby is thrusts into the depths of the worst camp; 
Boys and girls are separated. Then each child is classified and color coded by power.
Greens are coders.
Blues are telekinetic.
Yellows control electrical circuits.
Reds summon and control fire.
And Oranges, Oranges control the mind.
Yellows, Reds, and Oranges are the highest threats and quickly taken out within the camps.
The problem is that Ruby is an Orange disguised as a Blue. 
After chasing her best friend Sam away, Ruby soon learns it is no longer safe at THURMOND.
But Ruby is rescued by Cate, a young doctor determined to save her.
The problem is that Cate is part of the Children's League. Ruby's journey
to survive and free herself from oppression leads her to Zu, Chubbs, and Liam
where her adventures really begin. She soon learns that she will
stop at nothing to keep this children safe. But can she keep them safe
from herself?

I absolutely liked adored LOVED this dystopian novel! It had enough of a hint of romance with plenty of action to keep me racing through the pages. I laughed in spots, I teared up in others, and I angrily slammed the book shut on more than one occasion. This is one of those books where you find yourself thinking about the plot and characters long after the dust has begun to settle on the pages. I just hope it gets the ending I am rooting for. 

Most realistic dystopian ya novel I have read recently. It is an accurate representation on the feelings and actions of the youth. I think a lot of ya novels I have read recently don't accurately portray teenagers and the actions and feelings that they would take to survive. 

I give it 5/5

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 2015 Book Haul

Death Cure by James Dashner Review

Once again I will try to avoid any major plot twists and spoilers as well as I possibly can.


The third and final installment of the Maze Runner trilogy, Death Cure by James Dashner, is an adventurous tale full of action. Group B and the Gladers successfully made it to the "safe haven" in the Scorch Trials, earning them the chance for a cure. Thomas however, is taken away. He is fed three square meals of ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, bread, and water. Locked away like a prisoner, completely isolated. He hasn't had a bath in over three weeks. Hasn't seen a person in that time either.
"Rage crept in. Like a shivering rat looking for a spot of warmth, a crumb of food."
This is how Thomas felt as he stared at the white walls, floors, and ceiling, waiting for the inevitable snap of his brain as he is driven over the edge by the Flare. Suddenly, Rat Man appears in the doorway. This has been yet another trial from Wicked to discover kill zones. Each of them received similar or worse trials. Thomas is lucky though. Like several others, he is immune to the Flare. Some of his friends are not as fortunate.

A procedure will be given to each of them to secure their memories back. Wicked needs for the "subjects" to remember and participate fully in the quest for a cure. They are safe now. They of course have the option to not have the procedure done. Thomas, Minho, and Newt have had enough. They have had enough of the lies, deceit, trials, and games of Wicked. They refuse the procedure. But will they be able to really refuse? Or will they succumb to yet another trial and danger? They hope to make their escape towards freedom.

My Review

Death Cure came to an exciting and unforgettable end. The entire book was much better than I could ever anticipate. So many questions were raised that I could not wait to find the answers to. The stakes were high and I was not disappointed with the action in this book. Bullets were flying, fists were sailing, and the most advanced weaponry was used in the battle for a cure and safety. Wicked, the Right Hand, and Thomas' group all had different objectives in mind as they all raced to beat the other at their own game. Dashner has found a way to make the most realistic apocalyptic dystopian fantasy come alive. There were several deaths that had me in tears and others I knew were inevitable. I have to admit, I was quite worried on how the ending would play out. There were so many possibilities I had in mind. Never did I suspect it would end in the way it did. I am thankful for that. Dashner thought up a brilliant conclusion to the series. Just this once, my favorite book in the series is the ending.
4 out of 5

So were you as satisfied with the ending as I was? Were you team Teresa or Brenda? Did anyone really ship Thomas with anyone? I found that I was not too concerned with the slight bits that can be classified as "romance" in this dystopian novel. I was far too invested in the lives of Thomas, Minho, and Newt to care too much about what happened to the others.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

W.C.K.D is good? Scorch Trials by James Dashner Review

WICKED is good.

I will try not to give away any spoilers worth mentioning. I hate reading a book review that gives away the best plot twists. If I am reviewing a book series, I will give a brief summary of the previous book first as a reminder of what led up to the current book's plot. 

So, for those of you who haven’t read the Maze Runner, please go do so before reading this review. For those who need a little reminder:

The Maze Runner starts off with a boy stuck in the dark of a box. The doors open and he is surrounded by several boys in a strange land without memory on how he got there or who he is. Nicknamed Greenie, the boy is taken through the Glade and introduced to the Gladers. Thomas quickly remembers his name. 
There are only two real rules in the glade. 

 1. Do your part

2. do NOT enter the Maze
Soon, a girl shows up in the box with a note telling the Gladers that this will be the last box. Thomas learns that her name is Teresa and that she remembers Thomas. Thomas becomes a runner and together, the Gladers solve the mystery of the Maze. The Gladers battle

Grievers on their escape of the Maze. In the end, few survive.

The Scorch Trials, a novel written by James Dashner, is the second book in the Maze Runner series. The Maze Runner came to a close with Thomas, Teresa, Mino, Newt, and several other gladers being rescued and taken to safety… Or were they?
Thomas awakens to find his world once more spinning out of control. The group of people who had saved them are dead. Teresa can’t be found anywhere, not even in Thomas’ mind. Frantic to find her, he goes to her room. On her door is a plaque labeling her as the betrayer. A boy name Aris has taken her place. The boys soon find out that there was a separate maze filled with girls (group b). Thomas and the other Gladers are a part of the second set of trials laid out by WICKED. They are thrust up into the Scorch; a dry, barren land filled with both Cranks and Group B out to destroy them. Their mission? To reach the safe haven on time and received the cure.

My Review
To be honest, at first I wasn't that into the book. I enjoyed the first of the series so I was expecting to love this one even more. The Scorch Trials is action-packed from the start. There was interesting death traps and creatures that could rival the Grievers and the Maze.  I love that aspect of the book. Although the action was great, I found the plot to be obvious at first. The main characters must fight and run to save their lives, just like the Maze. Obvious. Thomas starts to have dreams where he remembers life before the Glade. Another obvious point. Teresa betraying Thomas and the Gladers was yet another point that was laid out in front of you. My original review was a 2 out of five. It just wasn't holding my attention. I was ready to give up after this book, until near middle to end of the book that is. About 60% of the way through my kindle edition and the biggest plot twists of them all unfolded. I did NOT see them coming! I had to set my lovely kindle down and wrap my brain around it, trying to connect the dots. Either you will get the plot twist from the start, or you will be staring at your book in awe. The book ends on yet another fantastic cliff-hanger. 
Is Teresa still playing a part as the betrayer? And what about Brenda? Will Thomas be all right? Stick this one out and I promise it will not disappoint!
Wicked is good... or is it?
4 out of 5

Book Review Ratings

My book ratings are on a 1 to 5 scale.

1= Did not even get half way through the book, would not recommend 
2=struggled to get through the book, but finished it. Will not finish series
3=Got through the book, enjoyed it and will continue series. Recommend
4=Loved the book and excitedly waiting on the next. Highly Recommend
5=Loved the book and would take the time to read it over again. Highly Recommend

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sickness in the Lake

Hi everyone! I've had this story idea for a while now and have just started to edit and revise it. It is quite the work in progress! I can't wait to finish this story. I'd love to get feedback. Maybe a beta for this short story. I'd like to maybe flesh it out and turn it into novel if the beta goes well. I am ready to get serious about my writing. So here is a very brief synopsis on the story,

Tormented by the memories of his past, his childhood catching up to him as the sickness takes over. Ed brings his wife to where it all began more than 50 years ago. His loving wife has no idea that after 53 years, there are still secrets buried in the closet. This lake holds many secrets and Ed knows it’s time to tell Elizabeth the truth. But, can he live long enough to tell the tale? Or will the sickness take over?
If you would be willing to help and give me feedback once the story is done, please comment below.

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

From a Young Writer

Hello, my name is Ashley and I am a writer.

It’s funny to think that it has taken me this long to establish myself as a writer. I've always thought of a writer as someone who got paid to write. The words published and author come to mind. An author can’t be an author without being a writer. But can a writer be someone who writes without being published? I've discovered the answer is yes. 
A writer is a person who is passionate about the written language, one who writes for the love of words written upon a page.

I have been keeping journals since the seventh grade with my thoughts, scenes, and little poems. For as long as I can remember, I've lived in the imaginative world of my mind; always creating fantasy characters, powers, and situations to push them through. 

I adore letters. There is something special about picking up a piece of paper and communicating through ink. I find it much more preferable to the instant gratification of the digital age. Don't get me wrong, I love my Internet, but to receive a letter in the mail is the best form of communication. Because of this, I often find myself writing letters to my friends and loved ones in appreciation for how much I care. For what is better proof of my love than writing the things I cannot and often dare not say? 

I am a writer. I may not be seasoned or well-versed in the publishing industry, however my passion for the written word exceeds my inexperience. So with this in mind, I have created this blog today to share my passion for books and to gain experience in writing. I hope to finally finish several story and poem ideas that have been sitting in my notebooks for a while. 

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya AngelouI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings